Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
Is this a subtle clue that the leaders really see the "great tribulation" of the WT coming soon?
by never a jw insimilarly, we cannotexpect that the future interruption inthe great tribulation will result in aninflux of new believers.
rather, it willbe an opportunity for all true believersto prove their love for jehovah andgive their support to christs brothers.. (par.
7, page 16, wt july 2015).
Half banana
Coasting down to Armageddon hey? Psychosis takes on many forms! -
Jehovah said he will start the cleaning from his own house
by Tempest in a Teacup inthis very popular quote came back to my mind today when i was thinking about what jws in the third world country where i live would do if they should hear about the australian abuse story.
this has been the one explains-it-all, excuses-it-all phrase to respond to nasty things going on in "god's house".. if they should hear about the story, they would just nod, say that phrase and add the sentence that traditionally accompanies it: it is because he is well aware that there are rotten elements in his house, so we shouldn't be surprised...and then they will move on with merrily.
end of story.
Half banana
To speak of Big J clearing his house is a piece of nonsense from a fairy tale book. To apply it to the WTS dignifies them with being "his people". JWs are not God's people, the leadership are deranged power-mad loonies. -
Watchtower Double Talk September 15, 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inis this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
Half banana
How well they know that "ignorance is strength"...
Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves erect...eg:.
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
Half banana
Tornintwo, I’m with you, it is NAUSEATING. As Defender quotes from the emotionally charged Watchtower study, when they talk of the worldly contamination with the “scarlet coloured wild beast” they seem conscious of their own grave misdeeds shown in the exposure of their secret amorous liaison with the UN.
I think we are seeing the early stages of self realisation by the GB that they cannot forever ply their form of religious slavery. I see signs in the Watchtower study that they are projecting their own worst failings like a reckless renegade knowing that their come-uppance is imminent. Then they fall back with talk of the “anointed” as if in their privileged ivory tower they act as if they are above all worldly care and criticism, they feel empowered to dictate to the drones exactly what they should be doing and thinking regardless of the feelings of the flock.
Nobody (except the ex JW community) exerts a check on the activity and words of the GB...they think they are demi-gods now... but by going so high, soon they will realise how they have so much further to fall.
Photosynthesis and the problem with the creation story
by purrpurr ini just noticed in the bible that on day three, god created the plants and trees on the earth.... day four, god created the sun, moon and stars!
so that means that the vegetation that is by its very nature dependant upon light to grow and photosynthesise was created a day before the sun that it needs to live!???.
this gets even more strange when you factor in the jw exhuse that a day to god is like a thousand years.
Half banana
The Bible is a very misleading book! -
Death is not something to be feared!
by iconoclastic inscience can explain how of things, but it cannot explain why of certain things (for example, why did life arise from non-life and evolved from simpler creatures to more complex life forms only to die and disappear?
) so are the conflicted religions whose chief concern is in safeguarding each ones separate identity..
next option is to look for pearls among the stonesusing power of our own reason.
Half banana
Religion is fantasy dressed up as real life, the emotionally needy and the gullible fall for it all the time.
Death is not something to be feared!
by iconoclastic inscience can explain how of things, but it cannot explain why of certain things (for example, why did life arise from non-life and evolved from simpler creatures to more complex life forms only to die and disappear?
) so are the conflicted religions whose chief concern is in safeguarding each ones separate identity..
next option is to look for pearls among the stonesusing power of our own reason.
Half banana
That’s better Icon, you are at least more focussed. However your reasoning still does not flow from statement based on evidence to a logical end.
Indeed science does have limitations, doesn’t everything? But at least whatever is determined scientifically has to be on a more reliable footing than any religious superstition.
Let me illustrate: You quote Jesus and his quotation inserted into the Biblical text for the purpose of perpetuating and keeping air-born as it were, the hope of immortal life. Jesus could never literally have been quoted in saying this since it was written years after he was supposed to be alive and by someone who never heard him speak. (You cannot believe the Bible for evidence since it is a collection of fables re-worked for historical plausibility). The origin of this idea of the “seed” as an illustration of life continuing after death was part of the agricultural mythos in the religious beliefs of the earliest farmers back in the late New Stone Age. It resonated with all farming folk as their hope for something better than the “short and brutal life” to which they were born. The Goddess Ceres (as in cereal) represents this ancient belief.
You say with reference to the seed myth; “This kind of reasoning will only help us (never harm us)” I have to strongly disagree. Holding on to myths and folk-lore can harm people immensely, it ignores reality. It has no basis for human progress or logical thought. Conversely, “this kind of reasoning” has the makings of collective delusions which result in religious obligations which are then commandeered by temporal lobe defective authority figures to form crazy cults. It results in mental slavery.
Medicine can scientifically i.e. reliably and accurately, describe the process of death, it is emotionally devastating for the bereaved... but it is final, it is an incontrovertible truth. The quest for cheating death is perhaps the driving force for all religious straw-clutching, the very reason why religion exists; to soften the blow of the pain of death.
You are fooling yourself if you think you can overcome death. From among the 105 billion people who have lived so far, there is not one reliably recorded instance of overcoming it. Are you going to be the first?
Has anyone seen this video?
by vinman inabout 4 months back, apostate lon posted a youtube video entitled watchtower society broadcasts pagan symbol.
i try not to believe in conspiracy theories but that symbol just doesn't belong there...hmm.
Half banana
Vinman (we 'met' briefly on Ex JW forum) I agree with Fink; stylised wings are just stylised wings whether ancient Egyptian or drawn by hand. Russell however was much taken with pyramidology and esoteric belief as corroborative evidence for the Bible.
The greater shock for an ex JW is that almost all of the Bible, including the Christ story, is from pagan sources and mainly coming through Egyptian mythology for that matter.
Jehovah's Witnesses want to invite you to their newly refurbished hall!
by username ini just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
Half banana
To go to a Kingdom Hell is about as exciting as watching paint dry. They must be very short of news in Stevenage. -
New hominid Species Discovered in South Africa
by cofty inhomo naledi has been added to our family tree but exactly where, is still to be discovered.
read more here.... over 1500 fossils making up 15 separate individuals have been discovered in a cave near johannesburg.
here are a few highlights of it's anatomy.... the skull was globular, like a member of our genus but the brain was small and primitive.
Half banana
Patience Rebel! give it time. When the research is done a date will be arrived at.(I already have suggested it might be in the region of 1.75 million years). In this case the determination will be based on the phylogeny or the biological "family" characteristics.This will slot the physical features evident in the skeletons into the known evolutionary developments in the hominid family. Whatever the results it will continue to put more nails into the creationist coffin.